Con orgoglio presentiamo la sezione “ZAMPONI REGENESI” del nostro sito web, dedicata interamente ai restauri delle nostre creazioni in coccodrillo. Siamo fermamente convinti che le nostre borse siano pezzi unici destinati a durare per sempre e vogliamo che questo sia possibile anche grazie ai nostri servizi di riparazione e restauro.
Per questa ragione, abbiamo creato una sezione in azienda dedicata esclusivamente al restauro dei nostri prodotti. Nella sezione “ZAMPONI REGENESI” potete trovare tutte le informazioni necessarie per inviarci il vostro prodotto ZAMPONI da restaurare. Vi garantiamo che saremo in grado di riportare la vostra borsa al suo antico splendore, perché possa accompagnarvi per il resto della vostra vita.
We proudly present the “ZAMPONI REGENESI” section of our website, entirely dedicated to the restoration of our crocodile creations. We are firmly convinced that our bags are unique pieces designed to last forever and we want this to be possible thanks to our repair and restoration services as well.
For this reason, we have created a dedicated section in our company exclusively for the restoration of our products. In the “ZAMPONI REGENESI” section, you can find all the information you need to send us your ZAMPONI product to be restored. We guarantee that we will be able to restore your bag to its former glory, so it can accompany you for the rest of your life.

Scegliere Zamponi significa scegliere la qualità, la tradizione e l’artigianato italiano, ma anche la sostenibilità e la filiera a lungo termine. Siamo orgogliosi di poter offrire ai nostri clienti un servizio di restauri e riparazioni di alta qualità, in modo che le nostre creazioni possano essere tramandate di generazione in generazione.
Choosing Zamponi means choosing quality, tradition, and Italian craftsmanship, but also sustainability and a long-term supply chain. We are proud to offer our customers a high-quality restoration and repair service, so that our creations can be passed down from generation to generation.
Imagine holding a crocodile leather or printed crocodile leather bag, a unique and authentic piece, made with passion and love for the art. A bag that will accompany you for the rest of your life, becoming a faithful companion on adventures and a symbol of special moments. This is the philosophy with which we create our Zamponi bags, unique pieces that embody the story of the Zamponi family and the passion for the craftsmanship of precious materials.

Just like my mother’s bag, made 40 years ago and still perfectly preserved, a true treasure to be passed down from generation to generation.
We proudly produce in Italy, in the heart of the Marches, specifically in the center. We are capable of performing any type of restoration and repair, restoring your crocodile leather or printed crocodile leather bag to perfection, as new.
We are specialists in restoration and repair, and we will be able to give new life to your printed crocodile leather or genuine crocodile leather bag. We guarantee that it will last forever, or at least we will try with all our strength.